Lumberjack is extremely powerful because of his rage, speeding up troops when killed, he can speed up troops nearby him, rage is a really good card in this mode, meaning Lumberjack is deadlier, he had great stats overall (Except his HP), yet he run really fast, just like most fast cards, he's best used to ambush opponents, but can used on support too! But I thought about it and offensive is better than defensive, which is why it's ranked #10ĭart Goblin is mediocre normally, but in touchdown he's really good, extremely fast, hits fast with a long range, allowing him to snipe down buildings such as Bomb Tower, also he can snipe down swarms thanks to his good damage, dart Goblin is fragile however, with popularity of Log, i can put him at 9th maximum, still a highly recommend card to use!

X-Bow and Mortar are ultimate defensive buildings in touchdown, they have insane range, good damage, allowing it to stop troops from reaching the touchdown line, X-Bow is better against solo target, while Mortar is better against swarms, I thought X-Bow and Mortar will suck, but as I tried, it's OP. PUSH I CAN FORM A COUNTER PUSH Pop those Balloons! YOU

10 Honourable Mentions Let's get unique.Golem Let's be real here, if the Minion Horde or skeleton army or minions locks onto the Golem then the musketeer or bomber will annilhilate them. Elite Barbarians Touchdown with a new helmet for Elite Barbarians

Siege buildings For LH and for damaging tower right?